Sunday, 5 October 2014


Here is my understanding of "Maya"
The word "Maya" literally means "that is not". All that we perceive and experience through our body, mind and intellect are not true (real). They are transient and fleeting manifestations of the world. There is a perceiver in us who or that is permanent, unchanging and true. We are endowed with all these at birth.
The physical World which we perceive through our senses is real as well as unreal. At the time of happening it looks real. But,the world which we experience is unreal because it is unstable, impermanent, transient and illusory and changing. We see the changes every second. So this changing world, which is not permanent is caused by Maya or illusion, not real, or the changeless.
Confusing indeed.

In Srimath Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 7 Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga (Knowledge of Ultimate Truth)
Lord tries to explain Maya to Arjuna in the following words:

Ye chaiva saattvikaa bhaavaa raajasaastaamasaashcha ye;
Matta eveti taanviddhi na twaham teshu te mayi. (12)

Whatever being (and objects) that are pure, active and inert, know that they proceed from Me.
They are in Me, yet I am not in them.

Tribhirgunamayair bhaavairebhih sarvamidam jagat;
Mohitam naabhijaanaati maamebhyah paramavyayam.(13)

Deluded by these Natures (states or things) composed of the three qualities of Nature,
all this world does not know Me as distinct from them and immutable.

Daivee hyeshaa gunamayee mama maayaa duratyayaa;
Maameva ye prapadyante maayaametaam taranti te. (14)

Verily this divine illusion of Mine made up of the qualities (of Nature) is difficult to cross over;
those who take refuge in Me alone cross over this illusion.

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